Thursday, March 4, 2010

Last Call: A Sale for Wardrobe Construction

Mark Twain, a pretty dapper dresser as I've heard, once said, "Clothes make the man.Naked people have little or no influence on society." Twain had no idea that in the twenty-first century, less would sometimes be more and that we'd spend a great deal of time begging our favorite pop stars to cover up, but he had a point. Anyone can be naked, anyone can just throw something on... but to make a mark on society, self expression is key, and there is no better time to build a wardrobe than during a sale.

Starting today, for our last weekend of Winter Sale, select items have been increased from 50% to 70% off. Pieces that were already significantly marked down have had their prices slashed even lower, and our sale section is bursting with beautiful goods. Succeeding at sale shopping can be a challenge though, especially on weekends when everyone and their brother is pulling at hangers. You've got to be tough, and you've got to have an idea of what you're doing before you head in.

When shopping a sale rack you want to do three things. First, ignore the size. If it looks like it might fit, try it on. Many a cocktail dress has gone to the sale rack because one letter or number caused it to be ignored. Next, consider the items your closet is lacking. Are you in short supply of silk tops? Is it your work wardrobe that needs some help? Essentials are different for everyone. If you entertain a lot, keep your eyes open for unique cocktail pieces. Likewise, if you wear a cardigan everyday, scoop up some beaded or embroidered pieces sweaters that stand out. Finally, don't be discouraged. If you're not finding anything, ask the sales staff. If anyone knows what gems lie amongst the crazed Saturday sale shoppers, it's the sales staff. For instance: if you're a Size 8 in need of cardigans and work tops, I've got a precious 525 America beaded cardigan and a silk Parker blouse in mind. Size 2, seeking cocktail dresses and basic tanks? There's a stunning velvet and wool Ali Ro dress (for less than $150!) and an array of basic tees and tanks on sale for $40 and under.

So while I'm on a roll, allow me to share in pictures some of my favorite "Last Call" sales pieces.

Happy Shopping!


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